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Bespoke Funding, a known trading firm, recently confirmed an impressive payout this month. The firm has already dished out $567,000 to its traders for July alone.

The profits from trading do not entirely belong to the traders, as the company practices a profit split policy. Of the earnings earned, 80% goes to the traders while the company retains the remaining 20%. This has resulted in significant earnings for the successful traders.

The pass rate is a critical factor at Bespoke Funding. Only around 12% of traders proceed to the fully funded stage. Out of those, roughly 50% reach their first payout. This results in an overall success rate close to 6%.

Scaling Up Traders' Funded Accounts

Bespoke offers a big opportunity to its traders in the form of the "scaling up" program. Traders with a payout of 8% or more within four months and at least three payouts are given the chance to increase their funded account every four months. This encourages the traders to strive for better earnings.

July Performance Statistics

Performance statistics are frequently updated on Bespoke’s Instagram account. From this data, it is evident that 20.61% of traders made it past stage 1 in July, and 8.76% became fully funded.

In essence, Bespoke Funding is committed to the success of its traders. With $567,000 already paid out in July, a generous 80% profit split, and multiple ways to scale up funded accounts, success seems to come easily in the hands of Bespoke. The firm continues to provide exciting opportunities and substantial rewards for their traders.